「AI IELTS Course Framework」
Leveraging the power of a vast language model and deeply training with specialised IELTS data, we've developed practical AI tools for all aspects of the IELTS—listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These tools form the basis for our uniquely featured AI courses. To enhance the learning experience, we offer a blend of human tutors and teachers, complemented by AI instructors, providing lectures and round-the-clock personal coaching and tutoring services.
Live teacher lectures
24/7 AI tutor for practice and coaching
AI timely error analysis and correction
AI timely assessement with report
Personalised service tailored to the unique features of the AI IELTS course
Basic Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronunciation Courses
IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS Grammar
IELTS Speaking Intro
Techniques Reinforcement Courses
IELTS Listening
IELTS Reading
IELTS Writing
IELTS Speaking
Intensive Crash Courses
Prediction and Practice
Summary Sessions
Question Drill
Capability-Designed Courses Based on Intelligent Learning Experiences
Intelligent Attribution
Instant coaching
Core Vocabulary Training
Core Grammar Training
Listening and Reading Question Analysis
Listening and Reading AI Drills
Core Word Analysis
Answer Sentence Identification
Essay Correction
Customised Model Essays
Topic Analysis Practice
Writing Idea Guidance
Pronunciation and Fluency Assessment
Speaking Vocabulary and Grammar Assessment
Speaking Topic Response Assessment
Speaking Mock Exams
Speaking Practice Partner
Speaking Correction
Development of specialised AI IELTS micro-models
IELTS Question Bank Data
IELTS Vocabulary and Grammar Data
Question-Solving Method Data
IELTS Vocabulary Data
IELTS Grammar Data
IELTS Scoring Standards
IELTS Corpus Data
Student Assessment Data
Student Learning Data
Student Behaviour Data
Deep training with IELTS industry data inputs
General Large-Scale Language Models
The universal capabilities of a large-scale language mode